Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Lazy Blogger

After a few pathetic months of “blog laziness”, I’m going to try and make a comeback. With Thanksgiving and Christmas vacationing getting in the way, I have not been able to focus on my blog. I have no excuse for January. However, I have continued to read everyone else’s blogs even if I haven’t been commenting as much—again due to my recent “blog laziness”.

Here are some reasons for the “lazy blogger syndrome”:

1—Children: Children cannot stand for their mothers to do things that don’t include them. They will be happily playing and then you get on the phone or turn the computer on and they immediately long for your attention. So not only do they want your full attention on them most of the time, but they need you to feed them, bathe them, clothe them, clean up after them, diaper them, drive them to and fro, discipline them, etc., etc…. not that we don’t love every minute of it! ☺

2—Lack of sleep: Many late nights blogging and bloggers need some time to catch up on sleep. This is a result of kids not letting us blog in daylight—refer to “Children” above.

3—Husbands: I don’t know if it’s this way for everyone, but my husband doesn’t like the time I spend blogging. He wants me to spend my late nights with him. And he doesn’t want to chat, if you get my drift ☺

4—Mental block: Take a long day of taking care of children after getting no sleep the night before because of a late night blogging and then add an unsatisfied husband and you get “mental block”, cuz you just want to block it all out!

5—Low # of blog posts: Yes, the number of people that comment on our blogs affects our motivation to continue blogging—not to say that the few people who do post comments aren’t important. They are “the loyal bloggers”. Although I aspire to one day having a huge number of posts regularly from friends and family, two or three comments are better than none! For those of you that do read my blog and post comments, your posts are tremendously appreciated and I get a rush of “blog exhilaration” when I read them. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Regardless of these few reasons that might cause “lazy blogger syndrome”, I am determined to overcome my “blog laziness” and get on board the “bloggwagon” again. I’ve missed it and can’t wait to hear from “the loyal bloggers” again.


Paige said...

People use their blog for all different things- and a good way to get comments is comment on a lot of other people.

So if your husband wants your "attention" at night, can't you blog when those 10 minutes are up???

amiee said...

becky, you are too funny! look at those 2 cutie pie girls! awwww. btw, I wish you could come rent my house, too! hee hee. miss ya!

janel said...

I understand about the children not noticing they need you until you decide to do something else! Especially two children. Also, my husband is way anti-blogging, even when I do it in the daytime! It's hard to make time, but I am happy you did, since reading your blog is almost the only way I can stay in touch with you!

janel said...

Oops, that last comment was actually from Danielle. And this one too.

eclaires said...

Wahoo! Becky's back to blogging! I know what you mean about wanting comments on your blog. It generates a little more motivation. :) Happy blogging! ~Emery

Anonymous said...

Becky--you have really good excuses for not blogging. I, on the other hand, simply have a boring life so I can think of much to say! I hope you continue blogging since I never get to talk to you anymore! I loved seeing those pictures of the girls--so adorable! And the picture of Glen--totally handsome :)

Anonymous said...

"can't" think of much to say, is what I meant :)

Valerie said...

You captured it! Lately, I've been ditching the family at night and running errands, going to the library etc.. I felt guilty at first, but my husband is supportive, 'cuz he sees how happy I am when I come back, and the kind of mood it puts me in. :)